Wednesday, January 23, 2008


LSOR Boualem enters the city:
"No one is above the Faith. God exterminates usurers. Woe to a people who let things be run by a woman. he will annihilate our enemies. If you are sick, He alone can heal you"(Last Summer of Reason, 10)
Boualem picks up the hitchhiker:
"Those things are too personal and shouldn't be discussed in public.'So, then, in your congregation everything essential bears the stamp of shame?"(46).
Boualem cries out against the attrocities of the world:
"The first obsessions of the leaers, in a hurry to realie God's will on earth, were rorbidding alcohol, fighting coeducation, separating men and women in the workplace and closeing a great many classy hotels..."(77).

Matt Davidson

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