Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Character development

The main character in The Last Summer of Reason is Boualem Yekker. He is a bookstore owner who stays to himself and doesnt do anything out of the ordinary. Due to the new religious and governmental policies of the land he lives in, he is constantly bothered and ridiculed due to his books which provoke thought and independence. This clashes with the society because everyone in the community relies heavily on God and religion. Everything that happens in life is God's will and that is the way he wants it. Books inspire free thought and independence which is banned. Boualem gets rocks thrown at him by little children, receives letters from anonymous senders, gets his store closed for no reason, and looses the love of his family. However, through all of this, he sticks to his love for books and does not conform to society, no matter what the cost. In the end, Boualem Yekker looses everything he loves because of religion and government, and becomes and outcast. There is no room for deviance.

Posted By John Evans

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