Thursday, January 24, 2008


The setting of The Last Summer of reason closely resembles that of Tahar Djaut's hometown of Algeria where a one time republic has turned into an opressive "community of faith" patrolled strictly by vigilant brothers. The main character, Boualem Yekker, spends the majority of his time in his recently unpopular bookstore. Boualem ventures outside of the bookstore to give small anecdotes and also leaves when he is dreaming. Boualem fondly remembers a time where he and his family vacaationed care free to a beautiful beach. Those times have since passed. Also in a dream, he ventures to a mangy prison cell only to kill his son in front of a massive and rowdy crowd as he is takes his chances in front of an unsimpathetic judge. Wherever Boualem is he feels uncomfertable and apprehensive. "As another V.B. passes by, Boualem suddenly feels small and vulnerable, almost pathetic."(14).

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